perjantai 29. marraskuuta 2019

Reviews and interviews


Although I didn't investigate this, Germany's Aussaat label seems to have a special relationship with Finnish musicians. Temple Of Tiermes also hails from the land with the many lakes, and as with many others on this label, I had not heard of Temple Of Tiermes before. It

is the musical project of Jarkko Toivonen, who was before a member of the "cult black doom" (isn't all doom black?) band Unholy. Toivonen uses "bowed 7-string guitars, analogue synths, metal percussion, gongs" and other unnamed instruments. While Aussaat is primarily known as a noise label, and some of the music on this CD is easily defined, I must say that the music is much more varied. We are not dealing with an album of pure noise. The music is more akin to old-school industrial music, with its fine wall of sound approach, tribalist drumming in the opening track 'Black Axis', or the somewhat mellow synth drones of 'Passe Vuoksi'. The music is dark throughout, with some heavy bass rumbling ('Muspel') and without all too many high frequencies. There is not much feedback and distortion to report, except for 'Bohu', towards the album's end, ending the album with a fierce bang, before slipping into the short 'Ulos', which sounds like a spaceship lift-off. Each track has minimal

development; once Toivonen has the ball rolling, it rolls steadily. The whole album is a highly pleasurable dark trip. Not much the soundtrack of a beautiful sunny day in August, but rather something for dark and grey nights in December. That said, even today, sunny August, I am up for some dystopian nightmarish sounding album, but that's because I love this noisy dark ambient.

Vital Weekly 

Temple Of Tiermes Self Overcoming 

Rite of passage

“There is different phases on the way, realms and aethyrs! Album epresents an unfolding growth sequence from a single subatomic particle's growth to struggle for being the next sun! Brilliant Work”.

Temple Of Tiermes/ 5217 - Esoteric Ambience 

Rauta review on YouTube :

Temple Of Tiermes band and Tiermes track review on YLE’s frekvenssi radio/podcast channel -
Frekvenssi  (valid till June 6th 2021)

Temple Of Tiermes/ 5217 - Esoteric Ambience 

Huminaa, rutinaa, pörinää ja sirinää. Kahdesta eri instrumentaaliprojektista koostuva Esoteric Ambience -yhteistyöjulkaisu sisältää ambienssia, melumusiikkia ja voimaelektroniikkaa kahden suomalaisen toimijan voimin.

Kummaltakin projektilta on kolmivarttiselle levylle otettu kolme raitaa. Levyn aloittava Lamat on kiekon minimalistisin ja eniten ambientiin kallistuva kappale ja siten myös oma suosikkini kaikessa huminaisuudesaankin. Tästä edetään pörinän ja voimaelektroniikan puolelle, jotka kattavat enemmän tai vähemmän loput levystä.

Pelkästään jo Temple of Tiermes monipäisyydessään tarjoaa yllättävän monenlaisia kulmia täysin instrumentaaliseen tehostemusiikkiin. Sointuja, säveliä, melodioita tai edes selkeitä rytmityksiä ei löydy.

Etenkin levyn rutiseva, pörisevä, sirisevä ja nariseva loppupuoli on kauempana levyn aloituksesta, mikä miellyttänee PE-skenen faneja. Lajityyppiä lähemmin tuntematta on mahdoton pudotella nimiä, joihin tietyt valinnat tai tyylisuuntaukset voivat osoittaa. Lienee kuitenkin turvallista todeta, että jos edellä mainitut äänikuvailut tai lajityyppinimeminen iskevät, on Esoteric Ambience aika lailla turvallinen valinta fanittajalle.

Itselleni Esoteric Ambience loistaa lähinnä pitkän avausraidan voimin, vaikka se eroaakin kiekon muusta osuudesta merkittävästi. Hauskaa on myös huomata, miten vanhasta kamasta on kyse: vuosina 1994 ja 2000 taltioidusta ja valmistuneesta musiikista, kun taas 5217:n puolikas on vuodelta 2020. Tämä, jos jokin, on hyvä osoitus musiikin ajattomuudesta.  


Temple Of Tiermes - Psychotropic Substances

Temple of Tiermes is a duo from Finland, presenting here their first (I think) full length album on a thick vinyl 12" released by Kaos Kontrol and coming with a booklet containing several black and white photos made to illustrate these three tracks. Temple of Tiermes' music is an arhythmic, dark and noisy version of industrial. This is very soundscape-based, but is too heavy to be ambient. Distorted "wind" blows over several waves of drones and soft noise, as very distant beats can be heard. The result is an interesting atmosphere of death industrial, more or less typical from such a music coming from Scandinavia (everybody will think of some of the early Cold Meat Industry releases here). The three tracks are rather similar ("Cauac", the only track on the first side, is a bit more rhythmic, though) but I've been well impressed by the whole thing, that sounds coherent and well done. Not totally electronic minded, "Psychotropic Substances" seem to have been played with other, accoustic, sources, and has some nice sonorities. The main problem of this LP might be the lack of change in the tracks themselves, but the range of sonorities used is interesting, and you don't get bored by Temple of Tiermes. Overall, and even though the production and recording might not be perfect, here is an good surprise that should please fans of dark industrial soundscape, Scandinavian style."

Recycle Your Ears

Temple Of Tiermes - Delirium Sadomaso 

Tämä on, kuten julkaisijankin sivulla sanotaan "Finnish esoteric ritual industrial noise". Ja hyvää sellaista. Temple of Tiermesin häly on varsin hillittyä ja usein venytetyn, manipuloidun kitarasoundin hallitsemaa. Kyse ei ole kuitenkaan aivan puhtaaseen maisemointiin asti viedystä maalailusta, vaikka tyyli onkin paljon lähempänä noiseambientia kuin mitään "harsh" -tavaraa.

Monesti tunnistettava kitarakin on poissa, mutta perustyyli säilyy yhä hillittynä, silloinkin kun taustalta nousee korkeampia hälyääniä. Lukuun ottamatta viimeistä raitaansa, sinällään hyvää mutta aivan liian pitkää IMIX:iä, Delirium Sadomaso on erinomainen teos omassa tyylilajissaan. Se muistuttaa kiehtovalla tavalla milloin mitäkin yhtyettä (Opiat-Istar:illa Moljebka Pvlsea, mahtavalla Delirium:illa Sleeping With the Earthia, jne.), mutta on aina tunnistettavasti Temple of Tiermes eikä mikään muu. Yhtyeellä on kiehtova kyky luoda äänilähteistä riippumatta itsensä oloisia melodioita ja "melodioita". Raidalla 06.24 työpari Toivonen - Saarnos myös osoittaa miten pienellä tehdään suurta: Kuusi ja puoli minuuttia pitkä kappale on minimalistista synkkää ambienssia, jonka loppua kohden nousee esiin yksi ainoa jatkuva ulvova, aavistuksen säröinen ääni. Tulos on äärimmäisen tehokas, ja iskee lujempaa kuin monen noisebändin täydet hälyvallit. Sama lausunto kuvaa itse asiassa varsin hyvin koko albumia. Osan kuulijoista käsissä voi tulla ongelmia siitä että tämä putoaa ambientin ja noisen välimaastoon olematta selvästi kumpaakaan, mutta saadessaan vähänkin huomiota se kyllä voittaa puolelleen varsin pian.
Hieno levy, sekä kappaleittain että kokonaisuutenakin. 

Temple Of Tiermes- Psychotropic Substances

Pitkästä aikaa tuotos, joka on julkaistu vain ja ainoastaan vinyyli-LP:nä. Kotimainen Temple of Tiermes on erikoistunut enemmän tai vähemmän pääkopan sisäisien maailmojen tutkiskeluun ja tämä heijastuu laajalti myös heidän musiikistaan. Tyyliksi on valittu, tai ehkäpä oikeammin olisi sanoa muotoutunut, ambientin ja voimaelektroniikan välimaastoon sijoittuva maalailu.

Levyltä löytyy vain 3 kappaletta, mutta kokonaispituus on silti kolmen vartin luokkaa. A-puolen täyttää yksinään biisi Cauac, joka tarjoilee varsin kylmiä ja kolkkoja äänimaisemia eikä juurikaan väläyttele auringonvaloa kuulijalleen. Levyn mukana tuleva infovihko sisältää tunnelmaan sopivia mustavalkoisia (taide)valokuvia. Kääntöpuolen aloittava 12-minuuttinen Lamat jatkaa siitä mihin lyhyt hengähdystauko puolenvaihdon aikana loppui eli lisää ahdistuneita tunnelmia painostavasti etenevällä tahdilla. Kiireet on unohdettava tätä levyä kuunnellessa tai kyllästyminen iskee jo alkuvaiheissa. Ei joka mielentilan levy vaan "musiikkia" pimenevien iltojen seuraksi. Levyn päättävä Ahau Kines (mistä nuo nimet on oikein revitty…?) on omaa eniten psykedeelisiä vaikutteita ja on samalla pirtein kappale, mikäli moinen ilmaus on edes tässä tapauksessa mahdollinen.

Psychotropic substances ei siis pyri piristämään kuuntelijaa iloisten sävelkulkujen kera, vaan päinvastoin vaikutus saattaakin olla aivan toisenlainen. Levyä on sitten painettu rajoitettu määrä (210 kpl) ja on nykyisin jo loppuunmyyty.


Tiermes - 777 Ra.Ar.A.

Words on release :
It's been several years since we last heard from Finland's mysterious
drone ensemble Tiermes, and even then it was an ultra limited (100 copies) cd-r packaged with a sheet of rusted metal. So odds are a lot of folks have yet to discover the mystical black drone beauty of Tiermes. So at last here we have their only actual in-print cd release and it's nothing short of astounding.
Again lovingly hand packaged, this time the cd is housed in a thick cardstock sleeve, wrapped in an unbelievably gorgeous two sided poster (so ultra detailed and intense, very reminiscent of Nick Blinko's artwork for Rudimentary Peni),
the whole thing wrapped in thick black paper and tied up with twine. A dark and mysterious package that perfectly reflects the music within.
Three lengthy tracks, the first, a glistening shimmer of minimal drone, like delicate layers made up of the overtones of struck bells or Tibetan bowls, a slowly radiating reverberation, that drifts and fades, like ripples in a black pond. The second track hints at Tiermes mainman Jussi Saivo's Finnish rock pedigree (early soundman for Circle, member of Circle side-project Ovalki as well as one half of Temple Of Tiermes with a member of Finnish doom band Unholy!) with ten minutes of ultra distorted electric bass, and a strange minimal squelchy rhythm, very Circular and hypnotic, the same figure repeated over and over. a gorgeous ultra simple meditation in dirge drone. Might hit the spot for adventurous SUNNO))) / Earth / Boris / Corrupted fans. The final track is a massive 40 minute track, or shimmering crystalline drone, very similar in makeup to the first track, but stretched even further out, with even more overtones and distant drones added to the mix as well as some strange minimal percussion.
A truly otherworldly ambience, darkly dreamy and absolutely lovely. As beautiful and breathtaking as anything by Chalk, Coleclough, Basinski, Mirror, Monos, Ora or any of our other favorite dronologist .


Tiermes - Malahvia 

Finnish trio has packaged its releases in rusted sheet metal, cloaked them in tar paper and tied them with rough twine. The music hidden beneath the materials is handled with an equally fetishistic devotion: either evenly spread or kept closely in tight confines. Titles are another thing altogether, name checking ruin and religion, people, place and custom, time and dust. Malahvia, a product of six years of fieldwork likely coupled with massive organic psychotropic intake, pulls all of these disparate qualities together, uniting them in sounds solid, liquid, haunting and fleeting.
Drones neither large nor small open the disc. A searing, breathing hum begins slow and rises imperceptibly, yawing wide, shaking sound from its well. Instrumentation is anyone’s guess. Sounds akin to one’s own physi- ological vibrations in the midst of a solitary stroll through the woods: senses bowed as cymbals; heart and lungs as hand drums thumped, slapped and tapped into shape. The effect is predictably entrancing as the sounds neither demand full attention nor function strictly on their own as peripheral noise. Seconds become minutes; minutes become a half-hour. Increased attention demands increased volume, which is a perfect time for the trio’s fragile quiet to disgorge ritualistic riff and grind, tones torn from trees, rhythm rocked from tortoise shells, fallen limbs, dried deer shit. Closing the offering is a meditation on the first piece, enhanced to unrecognizable point. Percussive accents are flung out into the void; like wolf skulls crashed against rust-eaten scythes, the sounds collapse and clang and resist becoming a part of the drone’s indifferent fabric.
Mystery makes Malahvia. Tiermes gives nothing but sound; it’s up to he listener to construct the framework from which it flows. The process can be difficult, disturbing and rewarding, which is all anyone could really ask for.
By Stewart Voegtlin - Dusted Magazine 

Tiermes - 777 RA AR A

This was purchased during a long and thoroughly enjoyable excursion to the San Francisco/Napa Valley area. While browsing through the singularly amazing Aquarius Records, I threw up my hands and asked the clerk for a request. He handed me this. If I may, here's their description: 

"It's been several years since we last heard from Finland's mysterious drone ensemble Tiermes, and even then it was an ultra limited (100 copies) cd-r packaged with a sheet of rusted metal. So odds are a lot of folks have yet to discover the mystickal black drone beauty of Tiermes. So at last here we have their only actual in-print cd release and it's nothing short of astounding. Again lovingly hand packaged, this time the cd is housed in a thick cardstock sleeve, wrapped in an unbelievably gorgeous two sided poster (so ultra detailed and intense, very reminiscent of Nick Blinko's artwork for Rudimentary Peni), the whole thing wrapped in thick black paper and tied up with twine. A dark and mysterious package that perfectly reflects the music within. Three lengthy tracks, the first, a glistening shimmer of minimal drone, like delicate layers made up of the overtones of struck bells or Tibetan bowls, a slowly radiating reverberation, that drifts and fades, like ripples in a black pond. The second track hints at Tiermes mainman Jussi Saivo's Finnish rock pedigree (early soundman for Circle, member of Circle side-project Ovalki as well as one half of Temple Of Tiermes with a member of Finnish doom band Unholy!) with ten minutes of ultra distorted electric bass, and a strange minimal squelchy rhythm, very Circular and hypnotic, the same figure repeated over and over. a gorgeous ultra simple meditation in dirge drone. Might hit the spot for adventurous SUNNO))) / Earth / Boris / Corrupted fans. The final track is a massive 40 minute track, or shimmering crystalline drone, very similar in makeup to the first track, but stretched even further out, with even more overtones and distant drones added to the mix as well as some strange minimal percussion. A truly otherworldly ambience, darkly dreamy and absolutely lovely. As beautiful and breathtaking as anything by Chalk, Coleclough, Basinski, Mirror, Monos, Ora or any of our other favorite dronologists. " 

This is the type of thing that, in it's own way, personifies that establishment...and, this particular purchase, remains an indelible memory conjured when listening to any droney, ambient musical piece. 

Interviews :

CHTHONIK / Terroraiser magazine - TOT / Tiermes 2020 interviews 

Descent magazine - Volume Five The Death Issue 


perjantai 1. marraskuuta 2019

Temple Of Tiermes biography and discography


Temple Of Tiermes is a Finnish esoteric ritual industrial noise duo in existence since 1995 . Formed by Jarkko Toivonen and Mikko Aspa .
Using various instruments and objects such as guitars, analogue synths, analogue effects, metal percussions and junk metal, they create an original meld of sounds taking its roots from ritual / industrial / noise and industrial music . 

Lineup 1995 - Jarkko Toivonen, Mikko Aspa
Lineup 1996 -  present  : Jarkko Toivonen, Hannu Saarnos
Guest musicians - Antti Haapapuro , Heikki Hast  , Jasse Tuukki 

Discography :

Released by Temple Of Tiermes
Edition of 5-10 copies .
Temple Of Tiermes - TOT-001

Re-released by Freak Animal Records MC 1998
Edition 28 copies .

Re-released by Temple Of Tiermes MC 2020
Edition of 7 copies
Temple Of Tiermes - TOT-002

Re-released by Industrial Recollections 6-panel digipak CD 2020
Edition of 300 copies, October-27-2020.

Edition of 210 copies .
Kaos Kontrol K\K 003
Comes with a booklet containing photography by Sarianna Tamminen.

Re-released by Soulworm Records CDr 2003 
Edition of of 333 copies .
DVD case, full color pro cover, pro disc labelling, 12-page glossy b/w booklet .

Freak Animal Records ‎– Freak-CD-023
Edition of 300 copies .

Re-released by Mask Of The Slave records MC 2013 
-Edition of 100 copies .
Limited 100 copies tape reissue with bonus track “ Strom.Ec / Temple Of Tiermes Collaboration".

Telakka CDr 2001
Neuroscan.Org ‎– T.O.S.008
Edition of 77 copies .

Recorded live at Telakka 8.1.2001, Tampere Finland. 
Housed in metal box with painted logo on the front. 
Includes MPEG video.

Temple Of Tiermes - I
Edition of 1 copy, released January 3rd 2021
Temple Of Tiermes - TOT-003

Temple Of Tiermes /  5127 - “ Esoteric Ambience “ 4 panel digipak CD 2021 
Bestial Burst - BeBu 158 , February-1-2021 
Housed in 4-panel digipak cd with art photos and information 

Temple Of Tiermes - “ Initiation “ 2 x CDr 
Comes in wooden case inside sealed kraft paper sleeves, each copy is numbered by using different colours.
Limited edition  of 10 numbered copies, comes in handmade wooden case and info sheet with information of the album . 2 randomly chosen copies have a big Tiermes ritual magick sigil.

Released by Temple Of Tiermes  
TOT - 004 , 23 , October 2021

Temple Of Tiermes - Self Overcoming tape 2022
Badhuman Records Bad-006
Limited 50 copies, includes bandcamp code 
Released by Badhuman Records 
Available for download at bandcamp 
Digital album released by Temple Of Tiermes August 1st 2021
Tapes official release date January 1, 2022

Temple Of Tiermes Telakka 
Cursed Tapes  ‎ZOMBIE003
Limited edition of 50 copies, has one previously unreleased track.
Recorded on recycled standard c-cassettes.
Release date April 10, 2022

 Rigor Mortison  / Temple Of Tiermes ‎– Atma Inversion promo tape 

Temple Of Tiermes - TOT006

Recorded on black tape, housed in a thick black cardboard sleeve.
Comes with handwritten insert with tracklist and information.
Special plastic case and tape reels with plastic seals.
Has 4 previously unreleased bonus tracks 
Both sides recorded. Limited edition of 1 copy.
Release date 14, June 2022

Rigor Mortison  / Temple Of Tiermes ‎– Atma Inversion tape 

Temple Of Tiermes - TOT007

Limited edition of 6 hand numbered tapes.
Comes with handwritten insert with tracklist and information. 
Has 4 previously unreleased tracks 
Partially handmade cover. 
Black C-60 tape with black thin cardboard sleeve and red insert.
Release date 25, June 2022

Rigor Mortison  / Temple Of Tiermes ‎– Atma Inversion CDr

Temple Of Tiermes - TOT005

Limited edition of 21 copies, hand painted sleeve and CDr. 
Each album sleeve and CDr is hand painted and all copies are slightly different & unique than other copies . 
Has four previously unreleased bonus tracks
Release date 8, July 2022

Temple Of Tiermes - Horagelles DLP 

Speaks Volumes Records – VOLUME8

Gatefold double LP limited to 200 Copies 

Has a digital download card for bandcamp 18" x 24" poster included.

Comes in super glossy jacket.

Release date : November 25-2022

Temple Of Tiermes - Apara CD
Aussaat #29 , 6-panel digipak album
Limited edition of 200 copies
Released on 22th August, 2023


Temple Of Tiermes - Struggle
Various - Terässinfonia Vol. 4
Freak Animal Records FA-CD-132 
October 14-2021

Temple Of Tiermes - Gtr-Universe-7
Various ‎– Kaos Ex Machina I CD-R 2001
Kaos Kontrol ‎– K\K 008
Live recording of the Kaos Kontrol festival in Mäntsälä, Finland 3rd of June, 2000. Comes in a black double-DVD box with six inserts with photos and information. 
Limited to 290 copies.

Related releases :

Tiermes - Tiermes CD 1997
Elfenblut ‎– S.A.G.II, Elfenblut ‎– s.a.g. II


Tiermes - 210 LP 1997
Freak Animal Records ‎– FREAKLP 004
Edition of 210 copies.
Each sleeve being hand-painted by members of the band. 
This album was later reissued on Kaos Kontrol.

Re-released by Kaos Kontrol Records LP 2001
Edition of 210 hand-numbered copies.

Tiermes - Promo CDr 1998 
Self released 
Edition of 14 copies.

Tiermes ‎– 777 – Ra.Ar.A. CDr 1999
Edition of 100 copies 
Cdr has glow in dark hand painted psilocybe swastika logo , wrapped in black tar-paper and rusty numbered plate of metal.

Tiermes - Solanin CDr 2001
Edition of 3 copies 
Handmade CDr-cover and infosheet,
Some tracks released on "Tiermes ‎– Sag III"

Tiermes - Malahvia CDr - Saaren Levy 2005
Edition of 653 copies .
CDr is wrapped in a black sheet of paper and tied with string, contains a poster .

Tiermes - SAG III CDr 2010 
Released by Temple Of Tiermes
Edition of 14 copies .
Comes in a black double-DVD box with CDr titled "hernaq" "containing MPEG-,JPEG- and WAV-files and 1 insert with information. Each copy has partially handmade covers

To begin with , think of a tree , what makes it grow , and what’s the meaning of it’s flesh . 
Nature is mirror image of cosmos , chaos within harmony is the law , and the law is to set in scales , lines and tempo direction is organic and can be understood as the truth . 

To see complete view as it is , the unnatural modern meanings of distance and perspective must be added with four alterations which are power , truth, tempo and motion to feel the power you must have full sense of instinct .
To have direction your flesh must be complete.

To be in or set the tempo , you must understand and feel the law .
Motion is living time and shall be used as a measurement in two ways , horizontal and vertical .

For and behalf of Tiermes .

Email : 
